Why Your Business Needs to Use Social Media

How many times a day do you check one of your social media accounts? Facebook: Four times a day? Twelve times a day? Instagram: Six times a day? Seven times a day? Although Pinterest is not a social media platform, millions of people log in every day.

People spend their time checking up on friends, giving updates, looking for social support, seeking advice, searching for ideas, and finding answers to their problems. If people are seeking social support to make their decisions, social media is a good avenue for businesses to explore and take advantage of a relatively cheap marketing opportunity.

In what ways can social media help a business with their marketing strategies?

Brand Awareness

Social media can increase your business' brand awareness relatively economically. Not only can you establish a business page on different social media forums, but you can get people to "like" and "share" your page and posts to generate new leads. The more exposure you get in front of your ideal client, the more profits you can potentially reap. Through advertisement campaigns in social media accounts, you can further increase your connection with those potential customers. There are several methods available to connect with a specific type of individual. You can target people who have purchased products or services from you before. You can also target people who have bought items like you are selling. You can even pinpoint and target people who have clicked on your website and specific pages on your website, or who have reviewed specific products of yours.

The more people you can get to interact with your social media accounts, the more prominent your social circle becomes.

New Customer Base

Social media can increase your new customer base. If people are unaware of your product, your customer base is limited to the people who have previously bought your products. These people may tell their friends about your products or their experience, but they aren't marketing for you.

You are going to have to use social media to increase your exposure. Every time you enter a new post, you have the potential to expose your brand to new people and bring them back to your website for future sales.

Increase Sales

Social media can increase sales. With every interaction you have on social media, your potential to have increased sales will go up. People buy from people they know, like, and trust. They don’t buy from companies. The concept of brand loyalty is dwindling with time. If you are only a company to someone, then the place with the bigger discounts will get the sale. However, if a person knows, likes, and trusts you, they will come to you when they have a problem that needs a solution.

Contact Niche Builders Now

The key to why businesses need to use social media is to increase exposure to potential new customers. Social media allows a business to build that "know, like, trust" component that many companies are missing out on. 

Using social media to increase your exposure does not have to be complicated. If you want expert advice to guide you through the process and help you strategize the best plan for social media for your business, contact Niche Builders. Niche Builders is an experienced industry leader. To get started with a Niche Builders, check them out at https://niche.builders